Monday, June 10, 2013

Surgery Anniversary Eve

It was this day a year ago that my family gathered in a Baltimore pub for dinner.  We were happy to be in each other’s company but anxious about the next day. I had these crazy white circular stickers all over my face to help guide the surgeons the next morning. It made it very real that this wasn’t a family vacation despite the fun of a new city and being with my favorite people on earth. I wanted to linger longer after dinner, but we had an early "go" time at Johns Hopkins the following day.
Me + crazy white markers
I remember going to bed that night and thanking God for all that He had blessed me with. I wasn’t scared about the surgery, but I didn’t see my life past that trip to Baltimore. I didn’t want to know what was waiting for me on the other side of surgery, but I trusted that whatever it was, God would be there. He was. And continues to be.

Tad, Mom, Dad, Richard and Becky, please know that your being there meant everything (with cherries on top) to me. I have such fond memories of Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, and the whole deal. That’s because of you and the special ways you made it such a treat to be the patient. 

Morning of surgery at Hopkins, waiting to be called back.

Just out of surgery. I made it!

Day 2 after surgery. Nothing but love and medical equipment in this room
To my extended family and friends who sent flowers, wine and cheese trays, PJs and gift cards – wow – thank you so much!  


And to those who prayed for me, God bless you! I will spend the anniversary of my surgery in prayer and thanksgiving to you who sent warm thoughts, prayers and well wishes to help in my healing.
Today, I’m doing very well. Just finished my ninth round of chemo and have three more to go.  Little side effects, thankfully.

Life is good. Hallelujah! 

37/38 Birthdays in Napa, CA

Birthday trip with Ksenia, Richard, Mom and Becky


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